Enjoyed the fruitful sharing and I am always inspired with the word 1)LEADERSHIP. Everyone needs to have leadership as we need to influence others to excel be it as an individual, a teacher, a mother or a wife ( not advisable ha!ha! )but more to being rational to all decisions made. Hope to have more fun lively role plays in future..😀😀😀😀
2) There is no size that fits all which means there is no specific style of leadership is the best... it all depends on the situation .. and we will only cross the bridge once we come to it.. 👌👌👌
🌹Faraliza Ahmad Shukri🌹 PPP193059Today’ Reflection :I am overwhelmed with the sharing done today as they hit ALL the right buttons in life. It was like looking at the mirror which reflects all the experiences I have gone through for the past 23 years with more than 20 different leaders. Understanding traits and personality was like the cream on the cake as I get to be exposed to all these on knowing the reasons having such leaders. Your inspiring advices have made me shed in tears and yes I have to agree 300% that what you give you get back as students know best and students will remember us teachers, students will always pray for us teachers regardless how your previous leaders had treated you. Alhamdulilah.. I am blessed as I am having the best supportive, inspiring, considerate leader as I did in some other few schools. However, personally no matter how bad or how excellent my leaders were, that has made me who I am today.. thanks to Tn Hj Rozali who made me decide to do Master in Tesol back in 2011. Thanks to Tn Afandi B Ngadiman who has made me achieve my dream and I hope I will also get to GOT together with his retirement in 2 years time Insya Allah. Say yes to both Theory X and Theory Y leaders as because of those 2 theories, I am now a better teacher who inspires others.I get to also list down the 9 traits of the effective leaders that I could possibly have and yes it is 7/9. Besides that, I was also exposed to the 5 personalities which I feel that I am a combination of openness, agreeable and adjustment. I don’t really have the conscientiousness as I believe teaching with a good heart and great persistence will eventually give me a good results ... so never put your subordinates under stress with only thinking of the achievements.. 💪💪💪 Tq Dr🌹🌹🌹👏👏
Leadership Styles I was exposed to the difference of leadership styles. This has given me the best understanding on the leadership portrayed from my previous leaders and currently I am having a combination of both Democratic and Laissezfair as he feels that having helpful and inspiring senior and young teachers, with great trust and after witnessing the great achievement done by his team, giving freedom for us to spread our wings and to think outside the box have made me always want to give more . The fruitful sharing of what happens in the motivation process has made me realise that it takes two to tango and going through all the process makes me agree that a person who laughs last laughs best which means in giving a great motivation it has to be impactful and effective. In order to have great results after being motivated, one has to go through and to be aware of EACH process. It is NEVER easy to make others get motivated and there is never a short cut to make one. Exploring the Motivation Theories have finally enlightened me the magical buttons of Theories one has to apply as there is no size that fits all. Having said that, one needs to decide and plan what is the best theory as it can be applied depending on what the ultimate aim is. Rome was not built within a night.. and one who fails to plan the best Theory will plan to fail having great results in the end.. so let us all be inspired and keep on inspiring each other as we do have the leadership spirit in us unrevealed yet.. even though we have yet to become a principal, a manager, even being in the top management but we are always a leader to our children ( mother is always right😂) a leader to our students in school and the best part is the leader to ourselves.. we lead and we are magic..stay magical!
10th NOVEMBER 2020
1) I have cleared my doubts on how influencing one can become towards being a great leader. Being exposed to the 9 influencing factors, this indicates that I am a mixed of Inspirational Appeals where I have always love to inspire others to reach the sky, with on and off of applying Pressure as to meet deadlines and to avoid from being put under pressure my self, we should sometimes give pressure to those who love to do things at the eleventh hour,” which is a great reminder to myself too.
2) What boosts me up today is to discover the 7 types of POWER which in the end literally gives me a piece of mind that is to always be kind regardless who we are dealing with and no matter how much power one possesses. Be kind and Karma happens! So let us only be good vibes, spread kindness and love everyone equally .
3) The Networking Process exposed me to how one builds their networking as to be part of the society or to create the best support system when you have great networking. I personally believe that great networking gives you great opportunities but NEVER take things for granted. Sincerity creates kindness and eventually you can build up trust and you will also get respect IF you show respect to others .
4) Performing your self assessment is how you put yourself in the society or in the organisation you are in
5) Creating your one minute self-sell is how one prepares their resume as to how one plans for the future. Will it be impressive? Promising? So as to walk the talk, we should always prepare and do our own self practising on the possible questions to be asked, always have a check list so that you will clarify your doubts and end up with a big smile as you have cleared the air revealing what you are unsure of
6)Being also exposed to 3 common political behavior , I am so in to having the networking political behavior and hardly practise recipriaty , being transferred to many rural and urban schools, sometimes I do witness coalitions behavior along the way
7) Developing Network is what anyone will go through and experience has always been the best TEACHER in life . So one should gain the experience positively as we will enjoy every moment, going through ups and down , beyond leaps and bounds throughout the process as one very fine day, all the positive vibes that you have grown in you and the energy that you have shared to others will finally come back to you.
So enjoy every moment of the networking process, negotiation process and interview process. As they will build not only your self confidence but also overcome your fear to become a true leader one day.. amin!!!! Tq Dr🌹
1)Today I can remember more of Relationship Oriented compared to Task Oriented Leadership Continuum Model. Thanks to our presenter Wang Hou Yi. ❤️ 2) Contigency Leadership Theory literarily exposed me more to how leaders execute the decision making process where it is strongly based on situation. As mentioned earlier, there is no size that fits all. 3) Being exposed to Fiedler Contigency: 1) Leader 2) Follower 3) Situation 4) Today’s sharing has made me look forward to which LPC level am I in, will it be a high LPC or a low LPC? 🤔If. My score is below 57 means that I am a task oriented person with a low LPC.. hopefully I am not one of them😜. 5) Today, I am doing my own self reflection if I have a leader who has more control on me and my colleagues which means my leader will be more favourable . Personally, as passionate and creative teachers who are dealing with the generation of the 21st century and who also lead students in our respective classroom , Situational Favourableness is salient and everyone has to be aware of combining the 3 SF: Leader Member Relation, Task Structure and Leader’s Position PowerOne has to apply a mixed of these 3 magical spices as these will be the cream on the cake of a great leadership 6) Being exposed to the Continuum Model with 7 levels, personally, I am a person who has a mixed of more than 3 levels. I love to sell my ideas to all as in return I hope I can also sell my decision as a leader to my students and to my junior colleagues even to the seniors too. Whatever that benefits my students who are my core business and they will forever be my never ending “customers” I have to take the challenge taking a risk of making a decision which will give the best exposure to all. As mentioned by Dr as we need to always RESPECT others no matter how great and skilful you are in person, to earn respect is to definitely show respect to others. In becoming an effective leader in this millineum era, we must always take the challenge and take the risk in producing the best generation in the near future which will in deed change the comfort zone of others . I believe Magic happens to those with great sincerity and a great leader will never be forgotten. I want others to remember me with ALL the positive vibes I have shared and for my students to always have me in their hearts... amin... amin.. Tq Dr!! Another fun fruitful sharing today... make sure we remember our spouse’s birth dates, wedding anniversary, engagement’s date and all the crucial dates in life🌹🌹🌹🌹😝
Today is the best sharing as it was my 1st experience having the 1st 30 minutes listening to the sharing with Bluetooth in the car and having Dr’s voice loud and clear. Communication is the best KEY to one’s success and being exposed to STEPs taken before one communicates really inspires me.A person who fails to plan will indeed plan to fail. This clearly states that in order to convey messages either directly or indirectly, planning on what to ask, what to say, choosing the best venue,having the check list are salient! We will end up feeling there is more to say and the 2nd time will not have the same magic as done the 1st time . Trust me. 😀😀
Practising the process with having follow ups to check the progress is also part of a good communication as one needs to get feedbacks and must do follow up on what’s next.
It takes courage and confidence to ask questions as it may not be easy the first time breaking the ice but eventually one will be able to do that through practices. However, we need to plan on what to ask and the best way is to do a little bit of homework if we are not familiar with the issue discussed. It is never wrong to ask questions as that indicates how well the communication process takes place
I love the Coaching Guidelines as I believe everyone should be exposed to these guidelines effectively. Everyone who leads need to implement these
The best sharing was the Conflict as it is never easy to make everyone on the same page and with different mindset one can easily be misjudged. Therefore, being exposed to Conflict Management Style will personally help me to overcome any conflicts in the near future. Collaborating will be my 1st choice and the reality sometimes needs me to apply Accomodating Style as one needs to let go and clear the air which shows a respect to others. A wise person communicates and overcomes conflict well. So let us be one! Tq Dr. I am growing internally becoming a better person Insya Allah. Tq Dr🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
PPP 193059
Today I am overwhelmed and I was in low spirit as I was only able to get 10% from the sharing due to the internet access.. 💪💪💪anyway, it was interesting to know how Dyadic Leaders exist and being exposed to the Dyadic Theory Trends and the 4 steps of Dyadic Approaches which include Vertical -Dyad Linkage Theory, Leader- Member Exchange, Team Building and System Networks gave me the best throw back ever which recalls me of some of my former leaders who were Dyadic Leaders. From the Vertical - Dyad Linkage Theory which consists of both in group and out group, these 2 groups will indeed give great impact to the organisation and it’s
the leader who has to play his part to create the positive vibes .
Being also exposed to the LMX Life Cycle Model with a few stages
For Delegation, one can delegate the task but he/she does not make the decision and through Empowerment, one makes the decision . Even though I missed the reality sharing given by Dr, but through the presentation by Group 7, it has given me a hint of what I missed besides the slides shared by Dr. Looking forward to the recorded version from the live lecture today.. still positive though.. Tq Dr🌹🌹 missed your voice and the discussion though
Today’s sharing was like the cream on the cake. It is never a real experience for a teacher without both group leadership and team leadership portrayed .Well, personally having a team leadership makes one even more thrilled and challenged as we get to share different ideas from different background but with the same mission as in the end togetherness is achieved When Dr mentioned about both round about and traffic light , that makes it easier for me to have a clearer view.
Functional Team is what I do in my English Panel
Cross Functional Team is what I do as the committee member of any school annual programs be it Hari Anugerah Cemerlang, PIBG meeting or any activities that involve teachers from different teaching background.
Self Managed Team can be organising our own program of English Panel but merely focusing on the higher secondary learners where teachers are responsible to manage and achieve their ultimate goals
Being exposed to High Performance Team requires technical expertise, problem solving skills and interpersonal skills which involve experienced individuals to lead and to guide others
The best injection for today was on the Team Creativity which involves 4 organisational practices
1) Adequate Resources
2) Recognition & Reward
3) Flexibility
4) Support Climate & Culture
I love the most of the 4 Team Leader Practices That Support Creativity which includes members matched, autonomy for members, protection against “Creativity Blockers” and Adequate time & money. I even shared how someone strongly rejected my sharing on proposing of a better effective techniques on writing but she was being denial and self-centred and I end up using my own creativity with my own students. The last part was on 3 parts of meeting which I believe not everyone loves to have long hours meeting.. This is due to unplanned agenda, dragging of the introduction and was having a pointless discussion especially when one starts to argue on any matters arise. Handling problem members who are silent, talkers , wanderers, bored and arguing. As a leader in a team, one needs to know the best way to overcome these problems without exposing their flaws in front of others . I really hope that I will have a great team leadership where everyone compliments each other and not by being denial and defensive in accepting other people’s view as nobody is right and nobody is wrong.. today’s sharing has enlightened me on how to overcome issues that may arise from a team leadership and to be thankful if we are having such great team leadership with the best support system. It was a home run to me too when I had witnessed how Group 9 presented on his topic which clearly and indirectly showed how team leadership works when one had technical issues to present and others in the team showed their support to achieve their ultimate aim sharing us their topic for today.. another fruitful sharing and I could even feel so much love when all of them sang my Birthday song as a team leadership portrays support when one breaks down😢😢😢🌹🌹❤️❤️💪
Today I am exposed to Self Management Team (SMT) which clearly states the stages involved. Forming - Storming- Norming-Performing. Everyone needs to go through these vital stages in order to understand what SMT means. Being aware of the team member characteristics makes one achieve the objective efffectively . However, I was also exposed to the disadvantages that one encounters as it is never east to make everyone being on the same page and to create trust among each other. Besides, Distributed Leadership gives me the idea of how important it is for one to share skills and to create togetherness among team members as they will understand the process and to have great acceptance, being very open to new ideas and to create the same momentum which in the end produces future leaders from the experience gained. We should always learn from the experience, thanks to a great leader, thanks to the Champion, thanks to the great support system, thanks to the togetherness as only by these Distributed Leadership is a success. Personally, I have to understand all the stages and to also learn to adopt and adapt with a new environment in order to create the best support system in a team. Self Management Team creates great leaders who not only achieve their mission and vision but to also spread positive vibes . A great leader inspires and produces excellence..
Today I have learnt another new chapter which is Transactional and Transformational Leadership. Transactional Leadership is more to rewards and punishment and Transformational Leadership is more to giving support, inspiring and to make one change lives to be better.
I will never forget the true story on Charismatic Leadership given by Dr who is the late Tok Guru Nik Aziz as he has always been the best role model to me personally. I had tears too as I feel that I can never be like him and I really hope that one very fine day I will have the special elements in me just like him.
Charismatic Leadership can be very inspiring by just looking at him or her physically and the magic is still there. During the pandemic a charismatic leadership can be experienced when there is still magic and positive vibes shared creatively by the leader. During the presentation by group 11 has clearly shared more true reality stories on how Transfornational Leadership can make wonders.
I finally know that there are so many elements in a leadership and one can apply anyone approach and skills based on the situation. I hope that I can also be a good leader not only to my students, the society , the community but to my children and to my future generation . Tq Dr Jamilah for making me understand more of who I am today and what I can become one day. Another fruitful sharing indeed. 🌹🌹🌹❤️
🌹 🌹
Today I was exposed to Level 5 Leadership . Alhamdulillah,as I am 48 years old, I feel that by now I should be in Level 4 who inspires moving towards Level 5 who is humble and fearless..Looking at the characteristics and personalities of a Level 5 leader makes me feel overwhelmed as I need to have what it takes to be one. That makes me wonder.. do I have one? No drama, be humble(shy) and never takes compliment individually as team works matters most. As a Level 5 leader one needs to be fearless and wilful.Sharing about how the Yin and Yang completes each other as a whole and produces the best version of a leader. One needs to move from A GOOD leader to a GREAT leader. Giving a priority of Who and followed with What in all the actions planned.A great leader should also CONFRONT the BRUTAL Truth which I believe hardly happens in reality. The truth hurts but it’s better than dealing with toxic and fake individuals .
The last part was between Fox and Hedgehog where Fox reflects a person who knows little unlike Hedgehog who knows more on one topic and Hedgehog allows one to create the best version with great passion. Well I really hope that I will be a Leader 5 level : Executive with all the positive values , be humble, no drama of course and walk the talk. Practising the Hedgehog concept will clearly produce me the best version of my true self. I am forever thankful and this process is making a better me. Thank you Dr.. I will always shout out loud to all how I love myself and how I love others no matter how others treat me and I will have all the positive vibes with more love in me.. love you Dr Jamilah 🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️
You have made us see our true colours , You have made us see the lowest point and the highest point of us, You have made us realize how sincerity matters, how true love effects others..You have made us have believe in ourselves.. I found the best mirror besides my husband.. and that mirror is you Dr. You make me see all the flaws I may have done in the past as a person, as a teacher, as a mother, as a daughter.. and I will forever remember this " What you give , you get back" & Spread love and no matter how others treat you, be kind. Tq Dr Jamilah Bt Ahmad. May you always be blessed till jannah.. OOOps! I forgot my reflection....
My Final Reflection
Today I have been exposed to what Authentic Leadership means which has 3 categories : Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Developmental, one word to describe it is genuine. In Developmental,one can portray Authentic Leadership through experiences being traumatised , being abused, having through hardships in life. Interpersonal enables great communication between leaders and followers and Intrapersonal is based on values and self concept .
Besides I look myself moving towards phase 3 and also being in phase 2 will make me believe that everyday I am learning something new. There are 3 phases in Authentic Leadership.
In brief, there is NO best leadership styles but personally I believe that Authentic Leadership inculcates values of having a balanced life and self awareness.
This week has given me and all in the class a priceless moment as we will never have such positive sharing anymore, we will never have anymore true experience sharing where Dr will always have a beautiful way to make us see and understand things better in life. I hope that Allah will give me and all my friends good health and a healthy mind as we wish to practise these leadership skills not only to my students, but to my colleagues, the society and of course to my family . I will in return share this vibes to all because I know Insya Allah what I give I will get back . Amin Amin Amin.. Love you Dr Jamilah Bt Ahmad.. Tq for all the priceless moments and values shared . It was a beautiful journey indeed .. you will always have a special place in my heart Dr.. and you will always be in my prayers too just like how my students have me in their prayers.. 🌹🌹🌹😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️